Bohemian Pilsner Kit

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  • Regular price $40.00

The original pilsner beer was brewed in Pilzen (which means green meadows), Czechoslovakia in 1842. Bohemian was the original style which is pale, golden, and alluring. A creamy dense head tops a well-carbonated brew with an accent on the rich sweet malt. Medium-bodied Bohemian style gets its aromatic character from the Czech Saaz hops. Clean, crisp, hop-spicy, and bitter with malty overtones. This Bohemian Lagerkit contains:

10.5 lbs German Pilsner Malt or
6.6 lbs of Pilsen Liquid Extract
.5 lbs. of German Munich Malt
4 oz of Czech Saaz Pellet Hops
Muslin Steeping and/or hop bag
Irish Moss for Kettle Clarification/Sedimentation

As with all our recipe kits, you have several options for milling, liquid or dry yeast, and with or without priming sugar.