Mr. Hanky's Russian Imperial Stout Kit

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  • Regular price $53.20

Imperial Stout is the big brother to traditional stouts. Historically brewed in England for the Royal Courts of Russia, it has higher alcohol strength, more pronounced roasted taste, subtle sweetness and hop bitterness. This full-bodied stout is similar to Grant's Imperial Stout and Samuel Smith's Russian Imperial Stout. For an interesting twist try adding 3-4 pounds of raspberries. The King of Stouts, just like Mr. Hanky (the shop owner's pug) is the King of Pugs</p>
This Mr. Hanky's Imperial Stout kit contains:

13 lbs of Rhar 2-Row Malt or
9.9 lbs Golden Light Liquid Extract
3.75 lbs of Crystal 55L, Black, Victory Malts and Roasted Barley
2 oz. of Liberty Pellet Hops
Muslin Steeping and/or hop bag
Irish Moss for Kettle Clarification/Sedimentation

As with all our recipe kits, you have several options for milling, liquid or dry yeast, and with or without priming sugar.

***A Yeast Starter is highly recommended for this higher gravity ale***