Default Yeast:
Dry - Fermentis S23
White Labs - 833
Imperial - L17 Harvest
If you wish to add a yeast that is not one of the above strains, please select no yeast when adding kit to cart, and select the yeast of your choice from our beer yeast collection.
A clean, higher alcohol, pale lager with rich, doughy malt characteristics. A Helles or Maibock, this beer is more like heaven than hell, and a liter will make you feel like you are floating on wings! This Maibock kit contains:
12 lbs. German Munich Malt or
9.9 lbs Munich or Pilsen Liquid Extract
2 lbs of Munich and Melanoiden Malt
2 oz of Spalt Pellet Hops
Muslin Steeping and/or hop bag
Irish Moss for Kettle Clarification/Sedimentation
As with all our recipe kits, you have several options for milling, liquid or dry yeast, and with or without priming sugar.
***A Yeast Starter is highly recommended for this higher gravity lager***